April 13, 2017

‘Parliament visit worthwhile’ – principal naitasiri secondary

Naitasiri Secondary School students and teachers considered themselves lucky as they were the first school to be visited by the Civic Education and Media team of […]
April 11, 2017

Tuitubou Presents Ipu Regional Seminar Report

At the 136th Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) Assembly held in Dhaka, Bangladesh, Minister for Youth and Sports, Hon. Laisenia Tuitubou presented a report on the IPU Regional […]
April 10, 2017

Pacific Parliaments Discuss Work Of Committees

Two Parliament Speakers, Members of Parliament who are Committee Chairs and Deputy Chairs and clerks from across the Pacific are converging in Suva this week to […]
April 5, 2017

Speaker Updates 136th IPU Assembly on Parliament’s Initiatives on Progressing SDGs

Speaker Hon. Dr Jiko Luveni yesterday updated the 136th Inter-Parliamentary Union Assembly during the session on ‘The Standing Committee on the United Nations Affairs’ on Parliament’s […]