Advisory – Parliament Sitting

The Business Committee met this afternoon and has unanimously approved that Parliament will sit from Tuesday, 25 May 2021 to Friday, 28 May 2021 and Monday, 31 May 2021 to Friday, 4 June 2021.

For the first time, the Parliament sittings will be conducted virtually with Members of Parliament either attending in-person or connecting remotely. This mode was unanimously agreed to by the Business Committee and it is to ensure full compliance to the current measures and protocols in place nationwide.

Access to the Parliament Complex for the May and June sittings will be limited only to Members of Parliament, authorised Government officials, authorised caucus and Parliament staff with strict adherence to the COVID-19 measures and safety protocols.

Any inconvenience caused is sincerely regretted.

The Parliament sittings will be aired live on TV, and on the Parliament’s live coverage website  and on the Parliament Facebook page.

Any further enquires can be directed to the email:

